Thursday, August 11, 2011

World Bank and Me

Fellow finance buffs,

You know you've made it when the World Bank starts pinching your material. Keep in mind that Page 2 of a WB publication is like Page 3 of The Sun... it doesn't get any better.

I could have worked in an additional finance stream emanating from (and, of course, ending in) SCW, but wasn't sure whether such a revelation would have been in the club's best interests.

Yours in international institutions saving the world,
DJA, Stockholm

Awesome work DJ, how many minutes of fame does this count for, Club Sec?

But there's clearly a typo - it looks like you meant to go for a 3-5-2 formation, but Harry Kewell seems to have run onto the pitch from the left..


From: Cardinal

Some very shoddy work with those arrows not aligning perfectly when you take a close look at them. If it were me, I’d be sorely embarrassed and pull the publication

From: Cardinal

Additionally, who decided that lines emanating from multilateral finance institutions are more powerful than those from bilateral finance institutions and less powerful than the UNFCCC.

The whole premise of your diagram is FLAWED


Yep, 3-5-2 with a lot of sideways passing. It's about ball control, if the ball actually goes into the back of the net then you've lost it...

Looks like the strategy Pim used in the game against Germany, only less effective.

Furthermore, you're never going to get anywhere in the world of international institutions DJ if your diagrams are as simple as that. They need to be way MORE convoluted and confusing.

Finally, since when is SCW referred to as "and others" in an SCW publication? Reprimand required Club-Sec.

Yours from the SCW compliments department,

P.S. Stop wasting your time on this pinko rubbish and get the next SCW film/album out!


Good work Don Juan. This officially counts for 28 seconds of fame by SCW's ISO9001 certified calculations.

Good work in that the flow chart, with the obvious issues that Cardinal has raised, is clearly copied from the SCW corporate structure diagram with the names changed. For example, the 'SCW Laundering and Tax Avoidance' Branch has been changed to 'Multilateral Finance Institutions'. Its attached so that you can see the similarities for yourselves.

And yes please get the World Bank to revise the document to correctly reference SCW, as owners of the A. AtteridgeTM brand.

Yours in plagiarism,
A. Balbo.


guess the publishers thought that since SCW practically owns the World Bank they didn't need to individually reference the club. Wrong thought, as it turns out. I'll let Bobby Z know your collective concerns when we catch up for dinner tonight. His wife's doing meatloaf.

Stoz, non-aligned arrows are all the rage in Europe this season, wait til they come Down Under. They're a real revolution in pointing techniques.

Balbo, any chance of downgrading the 28 seconds calculation, by an order of magnitude perhaps? It doesn't leave me much room for my next trick... which, as VHR correctly asserts, should be the next SCW album-film-worldtour.

Given the lack of a non-Newtonian time reference in the publication, I think 2.8 sec is about right. Developing the VHR Hunka Hunka Burnin Love Album/Video/Cafe franchise would fill out the remaining 897.8 seconds quite nicely.

Yours in the sauna buffet,

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