For those who showed compassion, love, and appreciation for a malaria-induced dive in the box, I salute you.
For the silent majority, your apathy suggests you should turn out for the Wanderers, if you haven't already. But perhaps you can't be bothered. I salute you too.
And for those who reached for the top pocket and pointed to the stands, it's icing sugar in the powder room and a long bus ride sitting next to Joel Griffiths for you.
Game on. Go the mighty Uruk-hai.
Yours back in the land of electricity,
Mr Suarez has one question for you, Francis. Do you want your $20 to disappear up his left or right nostril? He also loves your use of the word celeste, and has undertaken to get a numberplate made out accordingly..
It seems saying 'My tips are in' isn't enough, I have to attach the document as well, a tricky manoeuvre to pull off at PNG internet speeds, especially in the wee World Cup hours when the university server appears to be under some pressure from young male undergrads..
Here is the offending document, for your judgement, wise sirs and madams..
And no copying my tips, Sandinista.
Yours in the dock,
Dr Poll
For those who showed compassion, love, and appreciation for a malaria-induced dive in the box, I salute you.
For the silent majority, your apathy suggests you should turn out for the Wanderers, if you haven't already. But perhaps you can't be bothered. I salute you too.
And for those who reached for the top pocket and pointed to the stands, it's icing sugar in the powder room and a long bus ride sitting next to Joel Griffiths for you.
Game on. Go the mighty Uruk-hai.
Yours back in the land of electricity,
Mr Suarez has one question for you, Francis. Do you want your $20 to disappear up his left or right nostril? He also loves your use of the word celeste, and has undertaken to get a numberplate made out accordingly..
Pete, may the best referee win..
Yours waiting at the back stick,

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