Dear Wanderers.
At a club-endorsed function saturday night, Hankadonna (also known as Rude van Hankelrooy, after another successful poacher) and I had a fruitful brainstorming session about various club structures/institutions etc. We came up with the following concepts that I put forward for your information and comment:
1. van Hankelrooy has finally came up with a Womens Policy, in line with his role as SCW Womens Policy Officer. It has taken some years for van Hankelrooy to come up with a policy, but with some intensive pressure and encouragement from SCW comrades (small 'c'), his considerable intellect has finally borne some fruit. His idea is simply 'That all Wanderers must have moustaches'. Personally, I like it, but Hankers is open for comment about the draft statement. Note that a moustache is defined by the Oxford Concise
'1. The hair growing on the human upper lip, especially when cultivated and groomed 2. Something similar to the cultivated, groomed hair on the human upper lip, as:
a. A group of bristles or hairs about the mouth of an animal.
b. Distinctive coloring or feathers near the beak of a bird.
c. Food or drink sticking conspicuously to the upper lip: wiped the milk mustache from my face.'
Now note definition 2 does not preclude someone who, say, cannot easily grow facial hair, from sticking something on their face above their lip to meet the requirements of the policy. Comments directly to van Hankelrooy please.
2. that the club go for ISO9000 accreditation with a quality system of management. I know from previous conversations with Storrierenko that he is big on ISO9000, so I thought that perhaps he could head up the SCW Quality Sub-Committee. Its a big task and not easy, but I am sure that Storrierenko can handle it.
3. that I can keep my position as Club Secretary remotely from my new HQ in the Far East as of October. In this day and age and with globalisation and all, I think I could do a good job managing the administrative and legal aspects of the club via cyberspace. Again, open to comments from all Wanderers, apart from CRAPS.
4. that we pass a motion of continued support for Club Presidente Iainamoto, who on saturday night was quoted as saying 'so what the hell is happening with the Wanderers?'. van Hankelrooy and myself quickly brought him up to speed with the situation and we now have him back on board as our full-time and committed President.
In other news I express my non-availability for tomorrow night's match as i have to farewell a well-known SCW wife. Also El Muth phoned in to the club house from central australia last night specifically to tell me that he was out for the next three weeks.
I put forward that a match be played this coming saturday at centennial park (other venues will be considered). Chairman Comrade is up for it I know. Are you?
That is all from my desk at the moment. Please consider the above concepts and ideas and let myself or van Hankelrooy know of any thoughts you may have.
Yours Electronically,
A. Balbo.
Club Secretary.
PS. offical club photos as released to Reuters yesterday...
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