Monday, October 24, 2011

Take it to the Westies


There may be some confusion about tomorrow's big game, so here's my attempt
at clearing it up before it muddies the proverbial waters beyond the pale.

Sandinista is the Club Geographical Expansion Officer. Under his recently
introduced "Take it to the Westies" program, Sandinista is proposing we play
tomorrow at a new venue (Prince Alfred Park, adjacent to central station)
and a new time (6pm).

This move will only go ahead if it is endorsed by a quorum of Wanderers.
Otherwise, it's game on at Tum Thai Stadium No.2.

The survey must go out then, clear and unambiguous:

Who will play tomorrow if there is a change of venue and time to the above
but not if we play at TTS2?
1. [insert name and rank here]
2. [insert name and rank here]
3. [insert name and rank here]
4. [insert name and rank here]

Who won't play if we change venues and times as above?
1. [insert name and rank here]
2. [insert name and rank here]
3. [insert name and rank here]
4. [insert name and rank here]

Who will play at either venue and time?
1. DJAarondo
2. Sandinista
3. Balbo
4. [insert name and rank here]

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