Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Note from Your Secretary General

Dear Wanderers.

I apologise for being out of contact for a little while. I have, however
been monitoring my email and been appropriately entertained by
content and slag-offs.

I have also been participating in a few benchmarking projects whilst here, and one of my findings has been that all of the medium size bureaucratic organization here have a 'Secretary-General' rather than just a 'Secretary'. I therefore request that my title be altered to 'Secretary-General' in the interests of best practice and allowing me to serve the club in the best possible way. This would in no way affect the existing power structures dominated by President Iainamoto and
Chairman Comrade.

In another investigation, it appears that our popular website has been taken off the e-waves in what I can only think of as deliberate censorship of the club. This may be due to the Club's unwavering refusal to rename Tum Thai Stadium to 'Telstra Stadium' for a couple of grand. I therefore >propose a boycott of all Telstra products and services, and ask SCW Webjockey to investigate. The fact that no-one has noticed our apparent e-death is also interesting ? does that suggest that not many people visit our site?

May I also add that this Wednesday is my 30th birthday, so I would appreciate it if our coming Wednesday fixture could somehow incorporate this as a theme. Perhaps it could be first to 30 before the match finishes, or even that Hanker's 30th goal is dedicated to me. If you agree, I will
sit by my SCW shrine on the verandah with a gin & tonic at 2:30pm as you are kicking off, so that I am in solidarity with you, my national cadres.

As a general invitation, we've now got cable TV at our house here, so anyone who wants to come over to watch Euro 2004 here is most welcome.

Plus there's four hours difference from Coogee so the games will be on at a more reasonable time. There's not much else to do here though. Apart from beers on the Mekong of which I have partaken at your request, Storrierenko.

Yours from the newsdesk,

A. Balbo.

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