Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Club Sectretary Turns 30 Part 3

1/30 closer to the magic number...

1. 30th Goal,
2. 30th Blaze,
3. 30th Sledge,
4. First to 30 goals,
5. Hankers' 30th goal (sorry, stole that one from you),
6. 30th Yellow Card,
7. 30th minute that Wazza distracts his own defence with
8. 30th '50-50' tackle by El Kaze
9. 30th Donna swoons and passes out on the sidelines after catching
a whiff of Cagey's cologne
10. 30th time Belladonna takes a tumble
11. 30th questioning of the 'halfway rule' by pommy backpacker
12. 30th bet on outcome taken by SP bookie on sideline
13. 30th time Don Juan offers to provide 'meteorological information'to bookie
14. 30th time Dave McBride asks 'can I play lads?'
15. 30th time a Wanderer fails to get within 30m of goals when shooting
16. 30th shot in a row El Aarondo hits both uprights but doesn't score
17. 30th time El Muth is found alive in Schroedinger's Cat experiments
18. 30th time MY Sheila runs off with another Wanderer (boo hiss)
19. 30th Noesjirwanadonna backheel intercepted in front of goal (I propose that given this will happen within 5 minutes of starting the game, that multiple 30th events should be commemorated also)
20. 30th Bundaberg that is consumed (and disposed of thoughtfully)
21. 30th pass that goes to no-one
22. 30th player that Hankers beats
23. 30th offside call by EL Presidente
24. 30th Carrot extracted by Stozza
25. 30 successful tackles by Cagey
26. 30 emails required on any given wednesday to verify we have the numbers for a game
27. 30 degrees between the usual SCW shot on goal and the actual target

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