Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cageys Cat Part 4

Fellow Rocket Scientists

I feel that perhaps the club needs to relinquish its grip on pure determinism as it relates to SCW matches, as we all know that physicists abandoned classical determinism in favour of a probabilistic approach to the natural world sometime last century. Perhaps this would help in reaching some satisfactory ends to current debate within the club.

I would argue that El Muth’s movements (trajectory to be more precise) are necessarily imprecise; and that El Muths very existence is alternately concentrated and diffuse; and that the most meticulous experiment such as the one recently carried out by Club Professor Udon at the SCW Lab inevitably distorts the phenomenon, ie. El Muth, being studied.

The failure of determinism is summarized in the uncertainty principle of Werner van Hankelrooy. He demonstrated that certain pairs of variables such as those seen in El Muth cannot be measured or controlled with arbitrarily high accuracy. Our most important physical example involves the position and the momentum of El Muth on Wednesday nights. The more precisely one determines the El Muths's position, the less precisely can one determine his momentum, be it physical or mental momentum. A forecast of El Muths trajectory is therefore subject to an unavoidable inaccuracy.

This is not helped by inaccurate reporting of results as shown last week by Wazzadonna. Wazza also told me yesterday he saw Elvis and Cliff Young sharing a cinnamon donut at Lidcombe Station yesterday, so I am not totally convinced of his circumstantial evidence of the presence/ existence/trajectory of El Muth under his desk at that arbitrary point in time last week.

The van Hankelrooy principle implies that scientific conclusions must be probabilistic, not deterministic. Being a purely scientific club, lets put our bunsen burners down for a while and perhaps more probabilistic in our approach.

I am expecting my trajectory to be at Ronald McDonald stadium (where I presume the chemicals are mixed these summer days) at 6:30 tomorrow evening. Perhaps someone could patch a call through to me at 0407 144 589 if this is not the intended trajectory of other probable Wanderers.

Yours Epistemologically,

A. Balbo

Rocket Science Officer.

Club Secretary.

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