Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Dear Punters.

As you may or may not know I have had the privilege of growing the second-ever Wanderers Moustache (the first being Kamikaze's notable recent
effort) over the past few weeks, in the name of charity. This mo has been documented in photos attached, however I must warn any Wanderers that may be sensitive in relation to facial hair, that they may be offended.

In return for the daily humiliation of having misplaced facial hair, I and around 15 of my moustached comrades here in Vientiane ask for financial recompense from those around us. Of this recompense, 100% is passed on to two notable charities.

To raise some further funds this year, calendars are being produced using photos of each punter and their moustache. To help fund the printing of the calendar, a special SCW-esque hit single is being produced. The original is the Band-Aid hit 'Do They Know Its Christmas', which has been retitled and re-lyriced into 'Feed The Backpackers' - see lyrics also attached... I have been retained to give consulting advice on how to murder songs that were originally bad anyway, which I think SCW Inc. has considerable experience in.

So go on, you know you want to, give some dosh to our Club Treasurer Sandinista at tonight's SCW fixture in the name of charity, and for the sake of my mo. Donations can be in any currency, though something hard is preferred. Sandinista has a copy of the info about the charities, and has promised to send the dosh over via our usual laundering channels, minus his usual cut.

Yours with groomed facial hair,

A. Balbo.
Club Secretary.
Club Moustachio.

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